Wednesday, June 11, 2014

 As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we believe that the bodies we have are sacred gifts from God, and that they have an important part in the plan that our Heavenly Father has for us. Therefore, it is important to take care of them. Heavenly Father revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith a commandment outlining how we should take care of our bodies. We call this commandment the Word of Wisdom. To follow the Word of Wisdom we need to abstain from five substances: alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and illegal drugs. Keeping the Word of Wisdom is a requirement for baptism in the Church.
The photos are of an amazing woman who we taught. She had a desire to follow the Savior Jesus Christ by being baptized, and therefore abandoned all of her coffee and tea. She is from Colombia, and coffee is a very big part of Colombian culture. She had drank coffee and tea her whole life, yet in one day she gave it up completely.  The photos are of the day she threw it all in the rubbish. It was a wonderful and empowering experience, both for us and for her.

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